Our Vision

RNN Group Strategic Vision

We are Inclusive | We have Integrity | We Deliver | We are One Team

Quality of Education

We will prioritise powerful teaching and learning, knowledge and skills development. We will continue to improve and develop the student experience so that we will be seen as exceptional by students across the organisation.

People and Place in the Community

We are proud to be part of the local communities we serve. We will take a lead role in the local area, working within sustained and strong partnerships to focus on the needs of the SCR and D2N2 regions and communities.

Financial Integrity

We will balance affordable investment with prudent financial management, measured against our core provision and specialisms.

We will continue to be inclusive through delivering against our diverse income streams.

Innovation and Growth

We aim to grow as a Group, providing core provision and specialisms so that we become a financially strong and progressive organisation. We will measure all growth opportunities against our visions, core provision and specialisms. We will have a positive impact on the SCR and D2N2 region economy, ensuring that the curriculum forms part of a coherent offer that supports ambition, skills and productivity.

RNN Group Strategic Plan