
In keeping with our obligations under the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act), we will try to ensure that our website is accessible to people who have visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive impairments.

We are currently in the process of improving our accessibility throughout our new website. Making our website accessible to all is important to us and we will try and ensure that it is usable with a broad range of operating systems, browsers, and specialist assistive technologies.

As a standard, we employ all the following methods to ensure our site is accessible to as many people as possible:

  • All pictures have an alternative text description
  • We are committed to Plain English in all our written content
  • Our site has been designed without the use of tables except where we need to represent normally tabulated content e.g. timetables
  • The website can be navigated without the use of a mouse
  • A non-serif font is used for easier readability
  • We do not use all capitals for emphasis
  • We use a hierarchy of heading mark-ups i.e. h1, h2, h3 for secondary headings etc which makes it easier for screen readers to work out the structure of a page
  • Our site can be viewed in a logical order when all styling is turned off

Helping you make your computer easier to use

To find out more about making your computer more accessible and easy to use, have a look at AbilityNet’s website. They have a range of tips and suggestions relating to accessibility issues.

If there is an instance when our site does not meet the need of a specific disabled user group we will make changes to our current content, wherever appropriate so that we can become more inclusive to a wider audience. Please contact us if this is the case at