Freedom of Information – Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act encourages openness and accountability within the public sector by placing a requirement upon all public authorities to be proactive in making certain information available through a publication scheme. This where the information published by, or intended to be published by, a public authority is described in a single document. The Act provides a definition of what constitutes a public authority and this does include colleges, sixth form colleges and further education colleges.
There are two methods which can be used to access information held by the RNN Group under the provisions of the Act:
- The Publication Scheme – It is possible that the information which is required will already be available via the RNN Group website. The Publication Scheme should be seen as a guide as to what types of information the RNN Group either publishes already or intends to publish in the future and that much of the information can already be found on the website.
- Freedom of Information Requests – Any request for information can be made either in writing of via email. Once a written request is received, the RNN Group is obligated to confirm to the requester whether the information requested is held and, if it is and subject to any of the exemptions set out by the Act, to supply the requester with the requested information within twenty working days of the request being received.
Information available includes organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.
- Organisational Information
- Structure, Departments and Contacts
- Locations
- Constitutional and Legal Governance
- Key Contact Information
- Job Vacancies and Recruitment
- Subsidiaries and Partners
- Learner Activities
- Learner Code of Conduct
Information available under this category includes financial details which relates to projected and actual income and expenditure, the tender process, procurement and contracts, and details of audits and reviews.
- Fees Policy
- Charitable Status Information
- Budgets and Variance
- Financial Audit Reports:
RNN Group finanacial statements for year ending July 2024
RNN Group financial statements for year ending July 2023
RNN Group financial statements for year ending July 2022
RNN Group financial statements for year ending July 2021
RNN Group financial statements for year ending July 2020
RNN Group financial statements for year ending July 2019 - Capital Programmes
- Capital Projects
- Applicable Financial Regulations
- Staff Expenses
- Staff Pay and Grading Structures
- Gender Pay Gap Reports
Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-23
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021-22
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020-21
Gender Pay Gap Report 2019-20 - Procurement and Tendering Procedures
Information available includes areas such as strategies and plans, performance, audits, inspections and reviews.
- Group Aims
- Annual Report
- Corporate and Business Plans
- Group Strategies
- Academic Quality and Strategies
- Inspection Reports
- Estates Development
- Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Information can be provided on the RNN Group decision making processes and records of decisions made.
- Academic Governance
- Agendas and Minutes from Committees and Boards
Information on the written policies, procedures and protocols in place to oversee delivery of services and responsibilities can be found on the policies and procedures page of the Information Governance and Assurance team.
Information such as registers which are legally required to be published together with other lists and registers which relate to how the group functions including:
- Lists and Registers
- Register of Interests
- Gifts and Hospitality
- Honorary Degrees
- Asset Registers
Information which can be provided includes current details of the services provided by the RNN Group including courses, guidance and newsletters.
- Prospectuses
- Course Content
- Funding, including Grants and Bursaries
- Welfare and Counselling Services Available
- Sports and Recreational Facilities
- Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance
- Media Releases
Freedom of Information requests can be made in writing to:
The Information Governance and Assurance Team
RNN Group
Eastwood Building
Eastwood Lane
S65 1EG
Or via email to: