Kudos Award Winners: Autumn Term 2024
We are excited to announce the latest Kudos Award winners and the reasons behind their well-deserved recognition. Each winner has exemplified one of RNN Group’s four core values, contributing to the overall success of our mission. Read on to learn more about the individuals who have truly gone above and beyond:
Louise Nunn: We Are One Team
Louise’s unwavering support and dedication to her team have made her a standout role model. She is always there to guide and help others, even during her busiest times.
“Thanks for being a super positive role model and an inspiration to the whole team. Even when you have been super busy, you have given me your time and guidance – thank you.”

Wendy Flynn: We Deliver
Wendy consistently goes above and beyond to ensure her learners not only achieve their qualifications but also develop valuable workplace skills. Her commitment to her role has earned praise from both learners and employers alike.
Learner feedback:
“My tutor at college was utterly fantastic. She was kind, supportive of my outside commitments, and ensured I had all the materials to complete the assignments in my own time. Wendy at Rotherham College is brilliant at her job and made things far easier with trying to study, work, and have a young family. I even managed to complete ahead of schedule, and I will always be thankful for her support throughout my course.”
Employer feedback:
“I would also like to back up her comments and appreciate everything Wendy does for our apprentices at the Trust.”
Samantha Walker: We Have Integrity
Samantha displayed exceptional composure and professionalism while handling a larger-than-expected group, maintaining high expectations and adaptability in a challenging environment.
“A huge thank you for this morning, Sam. A group of 42, plus an additional group of 11, as they did not have staff. You remained calm and professional and ensured the learners still received their session with high expectations. You adapted quickly to teaching in a new environment and were not phased at all. Thank you, Sam.”
Julie Lawton: We Are Inclusive
Julie’s commitment to supporting disengaged learners has led her to achieve an incredible milestone. She has helped 100 at-risk learners re-engage and complete their courses, which would have been otherwise unlikely.
“Well done, Julie!!! Your time, patience, and effort in supporting disengaged learners to re-engage and complete their courses on distance learning have had an amazing impact. You have reached the milestone of 100 learners now achieved who would historically have been withdrawn. Fantastic achievement for the team and also the learners who have now achieved their certification.”
Nominate your next staff member for a Kudos Award through Bravo Benefits. Sign in using your work email address and unlock exclusive offers available to RNN Group staff.