Kudos Award Winners: Spring Term 2025

We are delighted to announce the latest Kudos Award winners, celebrating their outstanding contributions to RNN Groupโ€™s mission.

Each recipient has exemplified one of our core values, making a meaningful impact on colleagues, learners, and the wider community.

We Are One Team: Steven Roberts

RNN Group staff member Steven Roberts receiving his kudos certificate

Steven has played a key role in building strategic networks with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and other key providers, creating significant opportunities for the region.

His collaborative approach has strengthened partnerships and expanded access to valuable initiatives.

โ€œWell done for growing the networks strategically with DWP and other key providers, enabling significant opportunities for the region.โ€

We Have Integrity: John Deehan

RNN Group staff member John Deehan receiving his kudos certificate

Johnโ€™s dedication to securing work experience opportunities for learners at the Association of Colleges (AoC) has been invaluable.

His support and guidance have helped students gain hands-on experience, preparing them for their future careers.

โ€œI want to thank you, John, for the support you’ve given our learners in helping them secure the valuable work experience opportunity at the AoC. Your guidance and dedication are invaluable. By helping them gain hands-on experience, you’ve played a key role in preparing them for their future careers.

It will be inspiring to see the positive impact this will make on the individuals, and I know they will benefit immensely from this opportunity. Thank you once again for your hard work and commitment to making this happen.โ€

We Deliver: Joseph Wilde

RNN Group staff member Joseph Wild after receiving his kudos award

Josephโ€™s commitment to developing an impactful curriculum has resulted in exceptional outcomes.

By taking on board feedback and responding to local needs, he has exceeded performance targets, achieving an impressive 149% against the original plan.

โ€œWell done for achieving an indicated 149% performance against your original curriculum plan as a result of taking on board previous feedback and developing a well-considered package of curriculum in response to local need.โ€

We Are Inclusive: Christina Colclough

RNN Group staff member Christine Colclough after receiving her kudos certificate

Christinaโ€™s innovative approach to coaching resources has enhanced engagement and inclusivity.

By adapting and sharing high-quality materials for Coached Session Bโ€™s, she has ensured consistency and boosted confidence among new staff.

โ€œExcellent work adapting and sharing engaging resources for Coached Session B’s. Your continued efforts have supported consistency of approach and given confidence to some new staff.

The resources demonstrate innovation, promote engagement, and inclusivity. Well done.โ€

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