Skills For Employment

RNN Group understands the need to support employers by providing both entrants to the job market and those re-joining the job market due to family commitments or a change in career.

Skills are not just those found in the classroom or an exam room. Skills needed to grow our economy are transferable from job to job and organisation to organisation.

We know that employers consistently talk about the lack of these power skills especially in younger staff and RNN is launching a new scheme from September to ensure employers get the employees they need with the skills they need.

We need Employers to help us by pledging their support to the scheme, so that both learners and other employers will recognise that learners / employees who achieve the skills for employment are going to be an asset to any business. 

Power Skills

Learners will work to complete ten skills for employment โ€“ power skills โ€“ which will include the following:

  • Communication 
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision making
  • Leadership / adaptable / flexible
  • Problem solving
  • Proactive / shows initiative
  • Resilient 
  • Self-Management / hard worker / reliability
  • Time Management

The Process

Learners will demonstrate they have understood and developed these skills by showcasing three examples of each skill, this would be logged on the internal Group system by staff which learners could then download into a digital certificate with the skill included on it.

This would complement their qualification ensuring that key skills are being gained alongside their academic qualification. Additionally, learners on leaving the Group will be able to download a record of their attendance which employers can request so that this important skill is also accounted for. 

What does pledging your support look like?

This is the easy part!

Show your support by allowing your logo to be present on the website and on a leaflet we are creating for this scheme. You will support a Gold Standard Certification focusing on the these all important transferable power skills for learners and other employers. 

We want all employers to know that if they are hiring a learner from RNN Group with some or a full complement of power skills, they are hiring a top class employee who has the skills for employment to help you grow your business and achieve success. 

You could also help by becoming involved in supporting a skill through work experience or an industry placement to help gather the evidence required for each stamp. Whether by supporting a customer showing communication skills, being creative when something goes wrong as well as showing resilience when they get on with the job after making a mistake, problem solving and showing initiative to turn that mistake into a positive outcome or being adaptable to help you where you need it, you know you have a great employee with the right skills. 

Find out more

To find out more or sign up, please email

Download our Skills for Employment booklet here