Partnership / Sub-Contracting

RNN Group Sub-Contracting – Leading innovation and skills in our communities.

The RNN Group seeks to work only with partners who allow us to meet our strategic aims, vision and core values. Developing strong relationships with these partners, we will continue to provide a curriculum and the highest quality teaching, learning and assessment which allows learners to progress into further learning or employment and meet their full potential.

Our subcontracting partnerships will be aligned with the LSIS that meets niche or specialised needs, improves access and provides opportunities for disadvantaged learners.

Sub-contracted provision has been established across the Group for a number of years and is considered of key strategic importance in being able to respond to learner, employer and other stakeholder demand and is not undertaken for purely financial reasons.

We will continue to build strong links with partners to ensure we are capable of meeting the local Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) needs in identified priority sectors.

See our full Sub-Contracting Strategy 2022-2025 here