2023 @ The RNN Group

The RNN Group has been busy this year, so here are some highlights of key areas of success and links so you can read more:

RNN Group achieved an Ofsted โ€˜Goodโ€™ Award Gold at the Worldskills Awards

Launched our New Group website

DFE funding for T Levels at North Notts College

Launched of our Annual Accountability statement

Introduction of new Course Guides for Adult Learners

DFE funding for HTQ delivery at Dearne Valley College

Launch of our free webinar series starting with Multiply

Unveiling of our brand new office space at BCR and 7EW

Unveiling of our new student-designed Sustainability Logo

Development of new FE guides promoting student experience

Received a Silver TEF Award for our Higher Education teaching

Introduction and take-off of BTEC Aviation at Rotherham College

DFE funding for a new Construction Centre at Rotherham College

Introduction of T Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)

Launch of our brand new RNN Group Commercial Services website

Headline Sponsor of the Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber Awards

Development of our Distance Learning programme and Adult Skills courses

Launch of the South Yorkshire Colleges Group of which RNN Group is a part 14 Employer Academies partnering with the Group across a range of industries

Gold Accredited Learning Partner status by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Launch of FE Guides promoting subjects over courses for the 75% of local 16-year-olds who unsure what course to do.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us in 2023.
Happy Holidays and hereโ€™s to 2024.

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