Sharron Blackburn

Co-opted Governor on the Audit and Risk Committee

Sharron joined the Board in October 2021. She is the Deputy Managing Director and Deputy Head of Internal Audit for Audit Yorkshire, which is an NHS internal audit provider. Audit Yorkshire was formed from a merger of North Yorkshire Audit Services and West Yorkshire Audit Consortium in 2016. Her audit career spans many years which makes her perfectly placed to support the Group as it continues to develop its Risk Management processes and mechanisms for board assurance. As a practicing auditor she brings a very valued perspective.

Sharron brings with her qualifications not only in the audit sector and includes; Chartered Institute of Public Finance CIPFA, Accredited Local Counter Fraud specialist, Senior Leaders programme.

She is also a HFMA member (Healthcare Financial Management Association). In her spare time Sharron enjoys yoga, cooking, reading and walking

Governor - Sharon Blackburn