The Student Experience is More Than Learning a Subject or Skill

Studying at College can be an experience like not other. Colleges provide plenty of opportunities to try new things, and most importantly have fun. At College you’ll have more freedom, learn new skills and build friendships to last a lifetime.

So, if you are a Year 11 learner considering your next step or a parent of a Year 11 learner and are discussing your options over the holiday break, here’s what College can provide:

Become a student ambassador

As a college student, you’ll have a lot more free-time on your hands. Now’s the perfect time to enhance your CV and lend a hand as a student ambassador. As an ambassador at the RNN Group, you get paid to help out at College Open Events, give tours and go out to local schools to speak to potential students. Becoming a student ambassador will not go unnoticed to future employers.

Enjoy hearing from guest speakers

As well as being taught by top-class tutors, throughout the academic year you’ll have the chance to hear from guest speakers from industry professionals who work for some of the top organisations in their field and help provide you with a unique insight into your future profession.

Industry placements

Colleges work closely with businesses across the region to not only develop our curriculum and facilities, but also to help you get your foot in the door. Through our industry placements you can start climbing the career ladder and gain invaluable experience – perfect for building your CV.

Erasmus/Turing Scheme

Another important part of your experience at the RNN Group would be to be getting involved with our Erasmus scheme. This once in a lifetime opportunity is a voluntary scheme in which you would be able to travel abroad and participate in work experience to give you the knowledge and international experience of different cultures and workplaces. This is an unforgettable experience to take part in. Previous placements have included Italy, Malta and Spain.

Trips and excursions

Off-campus learning is key to life at college. Whilst studying at Rotherham College, North Notts College or Dearne Valley College, you and your classmates will have the opportunity to go on exciting trips and excursions to businesses, attractions, universities and more. Former students have visited places such as St. George’s Park, home to England’s football team. They have also visited Wentworth Woodhouse, Manchester Airport and many, many more.

Careers advice and support

College has dedicated Careers lounges for you to seek advice, guidance and help throughout your time at college with your next step when you have finished your course or courses with us. Expert staff can support you with plans, CV writing, cover letter writing, interview technique and general careers guidance.


Make the most of your free time and meet friends for life with RNN’s fun extracurricular activities, including cross college sports days, World Skills UK competitions, charity events, fun runs, book clubs and much more, such as:

  • College sports days and inter college sports competitions
  • World Skills UK Competitions
  • Fitness classes
  • Charity Events
  • Fun runs
  • Sports clubs including football and rugby
  • Book Clubs supported by the Library
  • Gym sessions
  • Preparation for Life including personal budgeting, building positive relationships
  • Football club
  • LGBTQAI+ club
  • Environment and sustainability Group
  • Gaming
  • Warhammer
  • Pilates/Yoga
  • Social table tennis
  • Performing arts
  • Movie Club
  • Debate sessions
  • Community Champion club

Why is this all so important?

Well, in terms of getting a job, employers are looking for ‘power skills’ such as communication, resilience, decision-making, problem solving, adaptability, flexibility and many more like these that in many cases cannot be learnt but can be developed through out of class activities.

So, by getting involved in out of class activities at College, you are doing something positive to help your career and in the end it’s only you that can do this!

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